The popular reality show Drama Juniors is back with the fifth season. Drama Juniors is one of the most eagerly anticipated reality shows on Zee Kannada Channel, offering a platform for young, aspiring actors to showcase their exceptional talents. This beloved show has won the hearts of audiences and has been a breeding ground for budding talent.
Check out the Zee Kannada Drama Juniors Season 5 Contestants, Premiere Date, Telecast Days and Time below.
Drama Juniors Season 5 Overview
Premiere Date | 18th November 2023 |
Telecast Channel | Zee Kannada |
Telecast Days | Saturdays and Sundays |
Time | 9 PM |
Judges | Actress Lakshmi and the Actor & Director V Ravichandran |
OTT Streaming Platform | Zee5 |
Contestants of Drama Juniors Season 5
- Srinidhi
- Abhish
- Panushree
- Manvith
- Vishakha
- Lekhana P
- Sanvi P
- Abhay Madivalar
- Sanidhya
- Vishnu V
- Sagar
The complete list of Drama Juniors season 5 have now been officially announced. The contestants of Drama Juniors Season 5 are ready to steal the spotlight with their exceptional acting abilities.
Premiere Date and Telecast Schedule
Mark your calendars for the exciting premiere of Drama Juniors Season 5 on 18th November 2023. This season promises to be filled with heartwarming performances and captivating drama that will keep viewers glued to their screens. The show will be telecast every Saturday and Sunday at 9 PM, ensuring a delightful weekend viewing experience for the audience.
Judges for Drama Juniors Season 5
The judges for this season are none other than the renowned Actress Lakshmi and the multifaceted actor & director, V Ravichandran. Their expertise and experience in the entertainment industry make them the perfect choice to assess and mentor the young talents on the show. Actress Lakshmi and V Ravichandran bring their unique perspectives to the judging panel, adding depth and insight to the competition.
Drama Juniors Season 5 Promo Video
Drama Juniors Season 5 promises to be an exhilarating journey filled with exceptional talent, emotional moments, and unforgettable stories. The show’s ability to bring out the best in young actors and provide them with a platform for growth and recognition is truly commendable. As the premiere date approaches, the excitement continues to mount, and fans are gearing up for another season of remarkable performances.